Welcome to Little Grove Primary School’s website. Whether you are already a member of our school community, a family wishing to enrol at Little Grove Primary, or browsing out of curiosity, I hope the information offered assists you to learn more about our wonderful school.
I look forward to your involvement with Little Grove Primary School. I trust that a close and effective working relationship between the school and home can be established in order to ensure the satisfactory and continual educational development of all children. Our School is one that provides endless opportunity for its students to experience variety and success. Through the diversity of our programs, the enthusiasm of our staff and the support of our wider school community. I believe our excellent reputation rests in our strong sense of partnership with the parents and community, the values we celebrate, our commitment to realising the potential of all students, and the provision of a balanced education that addresses the academic, social, emotional and physical aspects of our students' lives.
As a “School of Choice” we would like to refer to John Hattie’s article “Teachers Make a Difference” where he discusses the importance of effective teachers having significant impact and influence on a child’s success:
“We should focus on the greatest source of variance that can make the difference – the teacher. We need to ensure that this greatest influence is optimised to have powerful and sensationally positive effects on the learner. Teachers can and usually do have positive effects, but they must have exceptional effects”……
To enable the students at Little Grove Primary School to achieve their academic and social potential, our school has developed a strong positive, collaborative and cooperative culture within the school community. In this context, the learning needs of students, the professional knowledge and enthusiasm of staff, and the expectations of the community are used to establish quality learning and teaching programs and to maximize the educational opportunity and potential for each student. Your children appreciate your involvement with the school and their learning is enhanced when they can see you consider it important enough to take an active interest.
The achievement of this culture relies on the strong sense of community within the school and the establishment of processes where all groups within the school community feel valued, and have a clear role within the operations and decision-making processes of the school.
Our school is one that provides endless opportunity for its students to experience variety and success. Through the diversity of our programs, the enthusiasm of our staff and the support of our wider school community, government and private sectors, we strive to fulfil our Mission. Our endeavour is to make a difference in a dynamic global environment, achieving excellence and enhancing well-being.
In looking to the future and developing a vision that will carry the school towards the end of this decade and beyond, we have laid foundations for skills, understandings and practices that support appropriate teaching – learning relationships. The relationships where the concept of schooling is a global experience being rapidly shaped by technology and new paradigms for learning. Little Grove Primary School is guided by the following core values: Learning: We have a positive approach to learning and encourage it in others. We advance student learning based on our belief that all students have the capacity to learn. Excellence: We have high expectations of ourselves and our students. We set standards of excellence and strive to achieve them. These standards and expectations challenge all of us to give of our best. Equity: We have a right to an environment that is free of discrimination, abuse or exploitation. We recognise the differing circumstances and needs of our students and are dedicated to achieving the best possible outcomes for all. Care: We treat all individuals with care. Our relationships are based on trust, mutual respect and the acceptance of responsibility.
This website will give you a general overview of the operations of the school. Further information is distributed through our school newsletters and at Parents and Citizens meetings. Thank you for visiting our website. For further information please contact the school administration via littlegrove.ps@education.wa.edu.au
Our purpose is to ensure that our students develop individual potential,
self-esteem and confidence, as well as the knowledge, skills and attitudes to
contribute to the development of our changing society.
Principal: Darryn Martin
© 2024 Copyright Little Grove Primary School