Physical Education - Sport

At Little Grove Primary School students participate in a Physical Education program that is delivered by a specialist teacher for our students in Pre-Primary to Year 6. In the early years of schooling a focus is placed on the development of fundamental movement skills based on the evidence-based University of WA KIDDO Program. Whilst upper years this changes to applying movement and strategies within game situations.

The main goal of our program is to engage students and allow them to achieve success and enjoyment, in order to promote a healthy active lifestyle. In addition to movement and physical activity.

Students have opportunities throughout the year to participate in:

  • Fitness Club: Twice a week, students can join us from 8:30am to 8:45am in the morning to run laps. For every 50 laps completed, students will receive a certificate of achievement.
  • Faction Carnival: Featuring Swim Trials, Cross Country, and Athletics events, where students can represent their faction TOWERIN, WARLICH and WAITCH.
  • Multisport Carnivals: Orienteering Carnival, Docker Shield (mixed AFL Carnival) and Cricket Carnival.
  • Interschool Carnivals: Year 4-6 Interschool Swimming Carnival, Year 3-6 Cross Country Carnival, Junior (Year 1-3) and Senior (year 4-6) Athletics Carnival.
  • Kindergarten Morning Activities: our kindy students participate in a series of fun tabloid activities with lots of staff encouragement.

The school features a large oval, a double basketball/netball court with two permanent tennis courts and nets and an undercover area that provide an optimal environment for developing the students’ movement skills.

We are also proud to be Involved in the Department of Transport ‘Your Move Program’.

Your Move Program is a free Department of Transport program that helps people swap a few car trips each week for walking, riding, scooting, and public transport by offering information and support tailored to their lifestyle, making it easier to find more ways to get around.

Our aim at Little Grove Primary School is to encourage students, parents, and families to use active transport to come to and from school. This can include walking, riding, and taking Trans-Albany Buses.

Throughout the year, our PE teacher Miss Upchurch, Faction Captains, and with the support of the Little Grove P&C, will conduct Hands Up Trave Survey to students, will run walk to school days, ride to school days, bike month activities with fruit, light breakfast, and prizes.

Please refer to our Safe Routes to School Map, established by the City of Albany and WestCycle in 2023. This map illustrates the safe pathways for walking and biking to school.


Little Grove School Access Map

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