In 2018, data collection of species diversity and abundance in Princess Royal Harbour began in earnest. The data collection method was to use a baited underwater video surveillance (BRUV). On two occasions this year, Year 5/6 students from Little Grove P.S. carried frames with mounted cameras out into the waist-deep water and left the cameras filming for 45 minutes. The BRUV filming and subsequent data collection will be an ongoing activity that should provide valuable data for the wider community.
The BRUV filming and data collection acted as a hub for a range of activities for students. Students designed and built the frames to hold the underwater cameras. The pupils also used new technology such as a Global Positioning System and examined website creation in which to share the data. Students conducted cockle sampling activities to assess the healthiness of Princess Royal Harbour. Guest speakers lectured students on the importance of marine sustainability and the effects of pollution from such influences as nurdles. Nurdles are a tiny pellet of plastic which serves as raw material in the manufacture of plastic products. The BRUV activity helped to provide real-life examples and motivation in the study of species adaptations.
Mr Marc Davies - Coordinator
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