Childrens University

We are happy to announce that again, Little Grove will be involved with the Children’s University Program.

For those that are unaware “Children’s University” is an extracurricular program that encourages students to self-learn outside of school and to inspire possible future interests. 

The way the program works is that each student who signs up, will get a passport and the passport is used to log learning hours. At the end of Term 3 the hours are added up and students who have reached X amount of hours will be able to graduate at an end of year ceremony.  The program is aimed at years 3-6. 

This successful program has been running in our school for a number of years in fact we were one of the first schools in Albany to host this program.  It inspires our students to learn outside the classroom and helps achieve one of our new expected behaviours of ‘be open to learning everywhere and all the time’.  Each year if they have logged the correct amount of hours, the students get to graduate and be acknowledged for the hours of learning in a special ceremony at the Entertainment Centre.  

In previous years the annual membership fee was $33, this has now been halved to $16.50.

If this program is something that your child is interested in pursuing there two pieces of information that the program needs to start, they are -  a consent form with student details: and the membership payment made at:    

If you have any more questions you can get in contact with Chappy at the school on Monday or Tuesday.

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